Four Steps to Keeping Your Bathroom Clean

The bathroom is one of the areas in a house which seems to get dirty and disorganised quickly. Water marks on mirrors, stray bottle caps of different products and sticky soap dishes all contribute to making bathrooms cluttered and messy in a matter of days.

A busy daily schedule could stop you from keeping your bathroom clean and tidy all the time. But with a little planning and commitment, some of these basic maintenance strategies could help keep bathroom chaos at bay in your home.

Here are some tips and tricks you might want to try.

1. Get rid of the things you no longer need. This seems a little obvious, but you’d be surprised how quickly this type of clutter accumulates! Regularly check your cabinets and review the items you’ve stored there. Consider giving away anything you have not used for some time, but be sure to check the expiry date first. Dispose all expired items you might find as well, and if you keep duplicates of your favorite grooming products, put them together in boxes or organisers and label them properly before putting them back. This will create more storage space and allow you to see at a glance what you have, reducing wastage of valuable products.

2. Clear your countertop. This is where mess accumulates so quickly. Don’t leave your toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, comb, hair products, hand towels, cosmetics and contact lenses lying on your countertop or sink. Aside form being messy, this can also be very unhygienic. Instead, keep them in your under-sink drawers or in designated organisers, and make sure you put them back there soon after you use them.

3. Clear your bathroom floor. Keep your laundry, bathroom products and cleaning products off the floor. Store them in hampers and boxes which you can place somewhere that’s out of the way of foot traffic. This will free a lot of space on your bathroom floor – making your entire bathroom seem larger and a lot neater! Wall-mounted cabinets or shelves are another great way to free up floor space. Instead of placing standalone cabinets in your bathroom, consider installing wall mounted options to open up the space. Do you want to learn some tricks to help make your small bathroom look bigger? Read this detailed infographic from Bella Vista for more bathroom maintenance and design ideas.


bella-vista-bathroom-ideas-web-24. Avoid unnecessary bathroom decorations. Try to refrain from displaying plastic flowers, scented candles, figurines and frames in your bathroom unless you have dedicated spaces to house them. These types of items collect unwanted dust and can give the impression of a cluttered space. If you really want to decorate your bathroom, go for functional bathroom accessories like nice rubbish bins, dainty toilet paper holders or colorful soap dishes.

How to Keep Your House Smelling Clean and Fresh

Keeping your house smelling good all the time could be very challenging especially when a lot of activities are happening in it daily. Needless to say, there are things you can do to solve this problem without burning holes in your pockets.

1. Clean your house. Most unwanted smells in any home comes from the trash can, pets, cigarette smoke, toilet and poor air circulation. Clean every nook and cranny in your house using organic and light-scented solvents. Dust off your furniture, tables and chairs with damp towel. Throw the garbage in every room in your house. Vacuum your carpets and floors. If you have pets, get rid of their litter as soon as you can.


2. Allow sunlight to enter your house. Poor air circulation makes houses smells damp. If you share the same problem, you can install an exhaust fan in every room in your house. You can also open your windows and curtains to allow the sunlight to enter your house. Sunlight can kill the excess moisture inside your house and the damp smell caused by it.

3. Use air sanitizers and scented candles. Using air sanitizers and scented candles can bring out the fresh smell in your house. Apart from improving odor, air sanitizers are capable of disease-causing bacteria in the air which circulate inside your house. Meanwhile, scented candles can mask unappealing odors from your pets or garbage. It can also make every room in your house look more attractive.